League of Light: Silent Mountain

Let me start this review by saying I am in no way a fair reviewer. I am not objective. I try to be, of course, but I know I have favorite studios that I give the benefit of the doubt any number of times and that there are studios that I slag off for any little thing. The thing about me, however, is that I rarely talk about the studios that I really, really enjoy. I’ve featured Five-BN a few times but I’ve only ever talked about Mariaglorum once as far as I can remember. And that is a bloody shame.

Continue reading League of Light: Silent Mountain

Doctor Who – The Jon Pertwee Years

It’s been a while since I wrote about Doctor Who, almost a million years and I greatly apologize for it. I didn’t plan for my break to be this long, things got in the way and I just… didn’t get things done. But having finished watching Jon Pertwee’s run as the Doctor, it’s time.

Continue reading Doctor Who – The Jon Pertwee Years